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We believe that we are stronger when we can work with others that hold the same goals as we do and this is why we are proud members of the following organizations:  

The Association of Nova Scotia Museums

The Association of Nova Scotia Museum's mandate is working in partnership with museums, communities and supporters, the mandate of the Association of Nova Scotia Museums is to:

  • Encourage the development of professional best practices in Nova Scotia’s museums

  • Educate Nova Scotians about the value of museums and Nova Scotian stories

  • Act as a champion on behalf of museums in Nova Scotia


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Council of Nova Scotia Archives

The Council of Nova Scotia Archives (CNSA) is a professional association for archives and archivists in Nova Scotia. The Council advocates for the proper preservation of archives and the importance of public access to these records, through our member institutions. A number of dedicated professional archivists, drawn from member institutions, occupy positions on our administrative committees. Through these committees, the CNSA endeavours to promote archival standards, procedures and practices among its members and those institutions and organizations entrusted with the care of Nova Scotia’s documentary heritage.


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NovaMuse is a collection of collections. Museums collect material culture and documentary evidence of our past. Many of these community museums serve multiple functions, also operating as archives, art galleries, cultural and interpretive centres. Each has its own focus – based on community boundaries, industries, or specific themes. These collections are held in the public trust, and museums work to preserve, research, interpret and exhibit the objects in their care. This website enables contributors to share their collections online regardless of their geographical location, physical space or hours of operation.


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CanADIAN Museums Association

The Canadian Museums Association (CMA) is the national organization for the advancement of the Canadian museum sector, representing Canadian museum professionals both within Canada and internationally. The CMA works for the recognition, growth, and stability of the sector. It was established by a small group of people in Quebec City in 1947. There were 161 museums in Canada in 1951; by 1972 there were 838 museums, galleries and related institutions. As the number of Canadian museums increased, so did the need for the CMA.


Today, the CMA has nearly 2,000 members and supports them with training and professional development programs, conferences, publications, networking opportunities, a body of knowledge, and dedicated staff.


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Southwest Nova Scotia Curators Group

The Southwest Nova Scotia Curators group has been meeting twice a year for over 25 years now. The group consists of one to two representatives, usually the Directors/Managers/Curators of all the museums in southwest Nova Scotia. Twenty-five years ago, the group started out small then grew to what it is today as more museums came on board.


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Historic Nova Scotia

Historic Nova Scotia is a digital humanity and public history project that allows communities to bring their histories to life online. The website and free mobile app feature geo-located stories about the sites, people, and events that have shaped communities across Nova Scotia/Mi’kma’ki. Each story is enriched with images and primary sources from archives, museums, and heritage organizations that help preserve community histories.


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Lost to the Sea

Click here to view Lost to the Sea Memorial website.


Crohn's and colitis Canada

The GoHere™ program seeks to partner with organizations, businesses and governments to increase washroom access for people who live with medical conditions related to incontinence, such as Crohn’s or colitis.


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Crohns and Colitis logo.jpg

Southwest Nova Pride Association

They aim to advocate on behalf of and support the needs of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in the Tri-Counties (Yarmouth, Digby and Shelburne Counties).


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Yarmouth & Area Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber's main goal is to advocate for businesses.


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We have hosted and welcomed many organizations in our establishment. We’ve welcomed several cruise ships throughout the years, as well as been a host location for concerts and other programming for organizations such as Nova Scotia Music Week, the Southwest Nova Pride Association and the Mayflower Society.

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