Included in this package:
1- Newspaper article written by John Masters of the Meridian Writers’ Group. Article contains description of Runic Stone, its history and historical implications of its veracity.
2- Excerpt from an article concerning 1000 year anniversary of L’Anse Aux Meadows mentioning the Runic Stone. Source: Unknown.
3- Article concerning the earliest European settlement of North America. Mention of the Runic Stone and its potential historical implications. Source: ‘Maclean’s Magazine’, dated March 1, 1935. Written by Robert B. Blauvelt.
4- Excerpt from an unknown text briefly describing a physical altercation between Flood and Hartshorne over the Runic Stone.
5- Continuation of the article from ‘Maclean’s Magazine’, dated March 1, 1935. Written by Robert B. Blauvelt.
6- Newspaper article by Tourism Nova Scotia detailing the Runic Stone. Includes photograph. Source: ‘The Recorder and Times’, a daily newspaper from Brockville, Ontario. July 19, 1984 edition.
7- Entry regarding three runic stones: Two found in Yarmouth (Fletcher Stone and Bay View Stone), and one found in Braxton, West Virginia (The Braxton Stone). Text suggests possible translations of runic inscriptions. Contains photographs of all three stones. Source: Page 133 of ‘West Virginia History’, author unknown. Text edited by Julius Frasch Harmon.
8- ‘West Virginia History’, author unknown. Text edited by Julius Frasch Harmon.
9- Article by Henry Phillips Jr. who believes the Runic Stone to be an artifact of the Thorfinn Karlfsefn expedition of 1007 AD. Source: Unknown.
10- Hand written notes concerning and attempts to decipher the Runic carvings. Source: G. Young, 3 March 1994.
11- Newspaper article concerning Henry Phillips’ assessment of the Runic Stone. Contains detailed photograph of the inscription and a reprinting of Phillips’ pamphlet. Source: ‘The Yarmouth Herald’, July 23, 1884, written by the Editor.
12- Reprinting of the pamphlet by Henry Phillips Jr. from ‘The Yarmouth Herald’, July 23, 1884
13- Table comparing the script engraved on the Runic Stone with several other scripts of ancient cultures with descriptive caption below. Source: Barry Fell, 1976
14- Excerpt from a text concerning the Runic Stone. Includes diagrams of the Stone’s original location as well as of the Stone itself. Text includes details of the Stone’s discovery. Source: ‘Southwest Nova Scotia’, page 25.
15- Article concerning the Runic Stone. Drawing of Stone on display. Mention of circumstances of Stone’s discovery, several academic theories regarding Stone’s origin including Phillip’s. Source: Page 23 of unknown publication, written by George Warren.
16- Continuation and conclusion of above article by George Warren of unknown publication.
17- Title page and addendum to an essay regarding a detailed treatment of the history of the Runic Stone as well as evidence and academic opinions supporting the claim of Viking settlement on the Tusket River. Source: Essay, ‘The Discovery of America by the Norsemen. The Real Location of their Settlement’, written by H. Leander d’Entremont.
18- Essay, ‘The Discovery of America by the Norsemen. The Real Location of their Settlement’, written by H. Leander d’Entremont.
19- Article regarding the history and speculative origins of the Runic Stone. Features black and white photo of Stone. Source: Page 52 of ‘The Atlantic Advocate’, November 1963 edition. Article written by Roy K. Cooke.
20- Article dismissing the authenticity of the Runic Stone. Features black and white photo of the Stone and extensive list of references. Source: Pages 18 and 19 of, ‘The Skeptical Inquirer’, January/February 2000 edition.
21- Newspaper article regarding the conviction of Swedish archeologist Mats Larsson that Tusket was a Viking settlement. Source: Kevin Cox, correspondent for the ‘Globe and Mail’ newspaper, with assistance from David Keys of London, England. Text asserting the veracity of the Viking settlement in South Western Nova Scotia. Source: Unknown publication, written by Blauveldt.
PH-103-102: Black and white photo depicting the Stone, with Yarmouth County Museum Curator, Eric Ruff pointing at the inscription.
PH-103-103: Black and white photo of the Stone on display with description beneath.
Black and white photograph of the Stone’s location upon discovery. Close view of site. Date and Source unknown.
Black and white photograph of the Stone’s location upon discovery. Date and Source unknown.
Black and white photograph of the Stone’s location upon discovery. Depicting the site and immediate surrounding area. Date and Source unknown.
Yarmouth Runic Stone archival package
All material found in these packages is owned by the Yarmouth County Historical Society and is housed at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives (22 Collins Street, Yarmouth, NS). Credit must be given to, Yarmouth County Archives.
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