This archival package consists of,
1- History of Cape Forchu. Source: Research Library - Yarmouth County Museum.
2- Map showing Cape Forchu.
3- Article - Improvements around Yarmouth Harbour. Source: Yarmouth Herald, May 26,
4- Article - Yarmouth’s New Light. Source: Yarmouth Herald, June 23, 1908.
5- History of the Cape Forchu Lighthouse (aka Yarmouth Light). Source: Yarmouth
6- List of the Lights monitored from Cape Forchu - Central Monitoring Station. Source: Notes
from the Assistant Lighthouse Keeper at Cape Forchu from May 1988-July 1, 1993, Light
Station Log by Mr. L. Wentzell.
7- Details on the Cape Forchu Lighthouse fog alarm. Source: Archives Research Library.
8- Details about the Cape Forchu Lighthouse Lens. Source: Vanguard, Archives Research
9- Article about the Cape Forchu Lighthouse Lens and other lenses. Source: International
Lighthouse Magazine.
10- List and service dates of the Light Keepers and their assistants. Source: Newspapers,
Light Keepers notes.
11- Article about Light Keeper, Thomas S. Doane (5th Keeper), lost and found at sea.
Source: Yarmouth Herald, 1921.
12- Obituary for Captain John Hiram Doane ((4th Keeper). Source: Yarmouth Herald, 1909.
13- Poem by Lieut. James Charles Fox (1st Keeper). Source: Copied from the original poem.
14- Article about Herbert Cunningham’s retirement (6th Keeper). Source: Yarmouth Herald,
15- Obituary for Robert Fox. Source: Yarmouth Herald, 1918.
16- Yarmouth Light photo.
17- Yarmouth Light photo.
18- Yarmouth Light photo.
19- Yarmouth Light photo.
20- Yarmouth Light photo.
21- Yarmouth Light, adjacent building.
22- New Yarmouth Light photo.
23- Inventory site form for the Cape Forchu Lighthouse. Source: Municipality of the District of Yarmouth.
24- Article about the grant passing for the Cape Forchu Lighthouse. Source: Yarmouth
Herald, April 2, 1836.
25- Articles about Tenders for the Cape Forchu Lighthouse. Source: Yarmouth Herald, 1839.
Cape Forchu Lighthouse archival package
All material found in these packages is owned by the Yarmouth County Historical Society and is housed at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives (22 Collins Street, Yarmouth, NS). Credit must be given to, Yarmouth County Archives.
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