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Perry Family Genealogy Package

This genealogy package has general material involving Perrys of Yarmouth. 


Perry Family Genealogy includes:

1- History of Moses Perry in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Source: A History of the County of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia by Rev. J.R. Campbell

2- Grantees list for Yarmouth County, showing Moses Perry. Source: Yarmouth, Nova Scotia by George S. Brown

3- Mentions of Moses Perry. Source: Records of the Church of Chebogue in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia (1766-1851)

4- Census records for Perry family members. Source: 1871 Census from Ohio, Yarmouth, NS, 1881 Census from Ohio, Yarmouth, NS, 1891 from Port Maitland, NS, 1901 from Port Maitland, Yarmouth, NS

5- Photo and short article about a memorial for Captain Moses Perry. Source: Yarmouth Herald, June 17, 1964

6- Photograph of Amos Hurlbert, Carrie and Bertha Perry. Dated 1849.

7- Photograph of Captain C.S. Perry. Date unknown.

8- Photograph of Captain E.S. Perry and his wife. Date unknown.

9- Photograph of Frank Perry. Date unknown.

10- Photograph of Captain Robert E. Perry with the wedding announcement. Source: Announcement is from the Yarmouth Herald, 1892.

11- Obituary for Martha Perry. Source: Yarmouth Telegram, Friday, November 29, 1918

12- Cemetery records for Samuel F. Perry. Source: Port Maitland Cemetery.

13- Obituary for Augusta Perry. Source: Yarmouth Tribune, May 15, 1883.

14- Wedding announcement for Wealthy A. Perry to Andrew Stevens. Source: Yarmouth Times, June 9, 1885.

15- Transcript of the marriage record for Benjamin Perry and Maggie A. Durkee. Source: Yarmouth County Marriage, 1864-1908, May 21, 1883.

16- Probate Court record for the estate of Thomas J. Perry. Source: Registrar of Probate, 1892.

17- Article about a tragedy at the house of Thomas Perry. Source: Yarmouth Herald, January 7, 1875.

18- Obituary of Freeman Perry. Source: Yarmouth Herald, August 1, 1905.

19- Document: List of early marriages of Perry family members. Source: Records of Early Marriages and Deaths in Yarmouth.

20- Moses Perry 1874 marriage certificate. Source: Dominion of Canada, 1874.

21- Description of several Perry shipmasters. Source: Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, A Sequel to Campbell’s History.

22- Record of Thomas Perrey (Perry). Source: Early Vital Records of the Township of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia 1762-1811.

23- Record of births for the children of Elisha and Sarah Perry. Source: Early Vital Records of the Township of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia 1762-1811.

24- Photograph and short description of H.H. Perry Carriage Shop. Source: Description from Historical Trails, compiled by High Hopes Senior Citizens Club 1985

Perry Family Genealogy Package

  • All material found in these packages is owned by the Yarmouth County Historical Society and is housed at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives (22 Collins Street, Yarmouth, NS). Credit must be given to, Yarmouth County Archives. 

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